
Daniele Pantano is a Swiss poet, artist, literary translator, critic, and editor. His poems, essays, translations, and criticism have appeared widely, and his poems have been translated into several languages, including Albanian, Bulgarian, German, Farsi, French, Kurdish, and Slovenian. His most recent works include Robert Walser: Comedies(Seagull Books, 2018), ORAKL (Black Lawrence Press, 2017), Robert Walser’s Fairy Tales: Dramolettes (New Directions, 2015), and Dogs in Untended Fields: Selected Poems by Daniele Pantano (Wolfbach Verlag, 2015). Pantano taught at the University of South Florida, served as the Visiting Poet-in-Residence at Florida Southern College, and directed the Creative Writing program at Edge Hill University, where he was Reader in Poetry and Literary Translation. He currently teaches at the University of Lincoln. For more information, please visit www.pantano.ch.