
Klang Farben Text:  Visual Poetry for the 21st Century

Lyrik Kabinett, Munich - March Tuesday 3rd to Thursday 5th 2020

Klang Farben Text was a unique, one of a kind, three day visual poetry festival of performance and exhibition inspired by the international concrete poetry movement of the 1950s and 60s. The project celebrated how that movement has impacted a new generation of poets and artists by engaging a dozen of the UK and Germany’s most dynamic visual poets, key to the contemporary European scene. The printed word was transformed into collaboration, recitation, film and performance, demonstrating how concrete poetry has transcended beyond the book and printing press into an experiential art form for the 21st Century.

Below you can find videos of the various performances and presentations, plus photographs of the events. You can read more about the project at the

The project was curated by Chris McCabe, Holger Pils, SJ Fowler, Michael Lentz and Elke Ritt and supported by British Council, Lyrik Kabinett, Deutsche Akademie für Sprache und Dichtung, National Poetry Library, European Poetry Festival and BMW Group, Munich.

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